Howell Last Day of School Party at Bennett Community Center (6/7/12)
Water slides, bouncers, shaving cream fights, ice cream and great music... what else could you want on the last day of school? The weather was perfect and it was even a good time for me because my daughter came to visit me for a little bit (DJ Trin Spin).
Tappan Middle School's last day of school event (6/8/12)
Lots of bouncers, slides, tug of war and definitely a lot of line dancing made this a great last day for this Ann Arbor school!
Glynn Wedding (6/9/12)
The wedding may have been in March, but they definitely celebrated on this day.
The Pink Party took place on June 14th in Downtown Howell (6/14/12)
This is just one of the many pictures from The Pink Party. I lit the old courthouse up in Pink! You can see plenty of pictures on my Facebook account: HERE
Poppielarz Wedding (6/16/12)